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a e s t h e t i c a


    exhibits images of select works of mine: pieces of lead found while panning for gold; attractive only by virtue of being least unworthy of your attention.

    There is no hope that aesthetica will inspire aesthetic experience, unless one is predisposed to enjoy things which are not beautiful.

    If you find anything of worth here then allow me to offer my deepest sympathies: I can only assume you to be a tragic case; hopelessly disenchanted and possibly haunted.


e s o t e r i c a

    is an archive; a middenheap of my navel-gazing: my digitised sketchbooks and failed experiments.


    An on-going three stage process:

    1. Making with hopeful passionate intent, reaching out in multiple material and conceptual dimensions at once;

    2. Recoiling in dismay and disappointment from the horror I have created;

    3. Returning to the disaster to reflect, assess and plan the next venture.

    If anything in aesthetica interested you then I say to you Rejoice! esoterica has much disaster for your viewing pleasure!


e x o t e r i c a


    is a miscellany where I host a few small meme collections, external links to unusual websites, and share things which interest me or have influenced me in exploring themes, concepts, processes, etc.